
Showing posts from August, 2020


As I walked through this darkness Pitch black, cold and complete silence I found the person I've been looking for A friend, a lover, lost somewhere too far! These roads so painful, dim, dull yet scary Gifted me with someone to show my real glory I found my true wind, my true soulmate After all these tough times worth the wait Was he a prince? Was he the hero? Was he there to diminish all my sorrow? Was he a person or just an illusion To show me the charm and dreams and vision? It was 'Me' all this time and travels It was 'Me' at all the lows and levels At the darkest point I met the power And it was my own and everywhere I just needed to look at the soul Not of the prince and not of the whole The soul that belonged to me all the way To shoo away darkness, I was the light, I was the ray!

Tired Eyes

These eyes are tired Tired of the turmoil you've put them through Tired of the judgemental strangers and crew They've weeped enough over the long lost lover They've cried all night hearing the cursing shower They've seen what you could never soberly imagine The dreams of stars and moons and sun and sunshine But they're tired now and gone too For you've made them fatigued and so  They don't wanna open and seen the world again As they've already been through that chaos and pain They're never gonna get here the peace and dreams of tranquil So let them go and shut forever as the heaves wait for them still